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The Urban ELITE Story

What Is Urban Elite? 

Urban Elite was founded on the principles of growing yourself, achieving success, and living A careless happy life. Our brand's mission is to bring high-quality minimalist street wear that reminds you to keep going every day, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Our goal is for our customers to take our clothing as a message, a message to keep going, and a message to keep working. Every day is a chance for success, But you have to make it.

Why Name It Urban Elite?

One of our main goals is to bring Street wear that feels refreshing and designer, We want that Street wear Element but with a Lavish touch. We landed on Urban Elite because the word Urban is for the Street wear Element in our products, Where the word Elite symbolizes the high quality and wealth. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! I do all designing, marketing, and producing myself, it's a one man show over here!

I started Urban Elite in April of 2024 after seeing so many of my peers have big dreams and aspirations but no willpower to do anything with them. I'm on a mission to show young kids you can start now, no matter your age! Being a 16 year old business owner I understand how hard it can be to start up your own at such a young age, but with consistency, confidence and ambition you can do anything you put your mind to.

Yes! We ship to almost every country in the world, if your country isn't available for shipping send us a email at and well set it up for you! Any US customer will receive their order in 3-7 days after purchase, other countries may very

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    Success is whatever you define it as, success is different for everybody. But overall success is obtaining a goal or purpose, I wake up everyday and push myself closer to my goals and ambitions. Once you have a goal or a purpose, you have something to build to. Something to succeed in. one of the hardest things is finding your purpose, but once you know you'll know. If you really think you know what u want in life, if when you think about it it doesn't excite you like a kid on Christmas then chances are its not ur purpose.


    Your mindset is everything. So many people train their body for physical challenges, however people often forget the importance of building a successful mindset as well. Once you have a goal and your mind realizes you won’t give up, nothing can stop you. If your mind is trained the rest of the pieces will fall in place. It is extremely crucial for you to Grow your mindset in order to achieve your goals.


    When I talk about optimism I just have to talk about stoicism as it is almost synonymous with optimism, Stoicism is the belief that you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you react. For example, if your goal is to save money, don't let one financial roadblock spiral you back into bad money habits. Controlling your emotions is a huge skill most people lack and if you can have emotional control you will be ahead of the rest.

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